• September 7, 2022

    Would you buy a house built on shifting sand?

    No, of course not. A structure needs stability – it’s a place you’re going to be for years.

    Yet for many people at work, their job feels like it’s sitting on shifting sand when managers are rotated in and out. It’s common for companies to shift managers around, […]

  • August 25, 2022

    Does love have a place at work?  This is not a question we would have asked a decade ago, but now in an age where people are quitting their jobs in record numbers and others are seriously weighing their options, it’s a notion that leaders should seriously address. What do I mean by “love”? Basically, […]

  • August 3, 2022

    Is “energizing” always a job requirement of a leader? Yes, since it greatly impacts on employee engagement and job performance. But the definition of energizing has changed, and leaders must now change with it. For a long time, people have looked to charismatic epic CEOs as examples of energizing leaders. They were the Steve Jobs […]

  • June 22, 2022

    Take Responsibility for Your Career by Adopting an Entrepreneurial Mindset

    It is easy for a term like entrepreneurial mindset to become a cliché, so let me frame it simply as: An entrepreneur is someone who finds a way to deliver something that someone else needs.

    Usually, when we think about an entrepreneur, we envision a small business. […]

  • May 2, 2022

    Is it becoming more difficult to demonstrate executive presence in a world where it seems everything is virtual?

    Recently, the founder of a well-known technology company went on record as saying, “Companies should call employees back to offices because when people work from home, that institutional culture will slowly become weaker and weaker.” This executive is […]

  • April 18, 2022

    Do you choose to be center stage or are you more comfortable working under the radar screen?

    Interestingly, Zenger Folkman recently conducted research by inviting 7065 leaders around the world to answer this question: “If you were given a choice of two special powers, which would you prefer? A. Ability to fly or B. Power […]