• April 8, 2019

    Whether you have two direct reports or 400, leadership comes with a big responsibility. Do you rate yourself as a good leader or a great leader? This short post will provide you with some clues.

    Are you a leader who develops followers or are you a leader who develops leaders?

    John Maxwell describes leaders who develop followers need […]

  • March 5, 2019

    It was a quiet, balmy 82 degrees on Sunday evening as I was driving home after watching the Academy Awards at my friend’s home in Palm Beach. I was thinking about work and feeling excited about the week ahead as The Art of WOW Conference was about to begin in two days. As I neared […]

  • February 26, 2019

    “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.”  – Brene Brown

    Once upon a time, it was believed that as a leader, you should never show your weaknesses. You needed to look and act stoic, strong and invincible. However, times have changed and we want to know who you are as a person.  What do you […]